may we always live intentionally

16 September 2009

ode to the laundromat

I took my dirty clothes to the Laundromat

So that they could get nice and clean

The whites with the whites

And darks with the darks

Spun round and round and round

The nice lady gave us a student discount

Two for the price of one

And now my clothes are drying fast

in the industrial strength drier

Five quarters for a half hour

i really hope its worth it

Kyle and I have decided that we need to get away from the city for awhile. So, we’re headed to the Upper Peninsula (UP) for the weekend with our friends Colin and James. I have a pass that will get us into all national lands and a discount on camping fees, therefore, we are taking my car. Unfortunately, my camera is on the fritz so I have nominated Kyle to be the official picture taker for the expedition. It couldn’t be a more perfect weekend, weather wise. According to my trusty friend, the National Weather Service, it is supposed to be sunny in the high sixties all weekend with the lows in the upper forties. I am so excited. I have always wanted to get up there and now I have the opportunity and the company to do so!

Other than that, I have been getting busier by the hour. Every day, there seems to be more seminars to attend (I have four a week now and maybe more) and more protocols that need to be completed. It is very possible that I will be working nearly 30 hours or more (generally on the weekends) to get my project completed in my allotted 10 weeks. The second of which is nearly over. I really need to get a move on. Tomorrow I am going into the lab at 8 to get a gel running before class at 9. I guess that means I need to print the notes out tonight.

On top of the scholarly activities of graduate school, I am also applying for two fellowships. If I hear that one more person is applying for the same ones, I think I might scream. I’m not sure that I have a chance in hell at even being close. Thus far, I have a majority of the documents done, but I still need to get my proposal on paper (its already outlined) and think through what I want my personal statement to say about me. I really would like to use what I have from applications to graduate school, but it unfortunately doesn’t really fit the mould. I guess its back to the drawing board for that one.

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