may we always live intentionally

17 September 2009

i give credit to the caffeine

6:30 AM rolls around after a night of unrestful sleep. It was cold last night and my blankets made a cocoon of warm air to pocket my body. Today is Thursday. Almost the end of the week and there is so much to do. Its another one of those T-shirt days. Today, I'm sporting my hunter green Michigan State shirt that I thriftfully bought at Goodwill. And as I'm eating breakfast, I thought to myself, "its a good day for green tea." And so my day began.
With the sun shining and the cool crispness of the morning, Kyle and I drove into campus. I needed to get a PCR reaction going before class at nine. With that done, I had time to check my email and talk to lab mates and just generally prepare for the day. That was before I had my tea. 8:50AM rolls around. Time for class, so I grab my bag and head to the 2245 biomedical physical sciences building just across the street all the while sipping my green tea with stevia. mmmm. then boom. caffeine rush. I'm wide awake, attentive in class and full of bustling ideas just waiting to get on paper. "Why didn't I think of this before," I asked as I distracted my self from Dazzo's lecture on bacterial glycocalyxes. DUH!
During our break, an email transcends the invisible boundaries that confine the infinite internet. And there is was, my answer to studying abroad. Who wants to go for a year, when I can apply through the NSF to study in Austraila, New Zealand, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore or Korea for 8 weeks during the summer. And the proposal isn't anything more than what i'm writing now. How convienent!
And the day just gets better from there. I had plenty of time to get back to lab to take a picture of my gel and guess what?... it worked and I have positive results. WOOT! More PCR to follow and now I'm running the gel to see how it worked. I have my fingers crossed for good results, but I don't want to jinx myself. Statistically speaking, my luck is going to run out soon... well I hope not anyway. And now its time to write all those ideas into a proposal that I'm sure some of you will have the pleasure of proofing. Thanks all in part, to caffeine.

1 comment:

  1. just makes me happy to read that you actually use stevia! :) i have already spoken to you after this has all happened, i hope your luck doesn't run out!!!
