may we always live intentionally

31 October 2009

accounting for absence

i hadn't realized how long it had been since i last updated my blog. how quickly a month and a half has gone. Tomorrow is Nov 1, which means that I only have a month left of my first semester of grad school. I certainly hope that my stats grade stays high so that i don't have to take the stupid final.

so lets see... since my last entry, kyle and i have been hiking at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore and a variety of other local state parks. here is a glimpse of that trip.

my bike was also stolen, to be found no where but gone.

heather was also here to visit over fall break.

I went to my first collegiate football game only to loose to Iowa in the last two seconds. It was terrible and no one was happy. except for the Iowa fans that drove all the way to Lansing. It was an incredible site though. I have never been in a situation where so many people were joined together in a chant. one side of the stadium would yell "Go Green" and the other side would return with "Go White." The marching band was probably the best part though. They did a salute to technology and brought the numa numa guy to campus to jam with the song as they played. it was awesome.

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