may we always live intentionally

10 February 2010

apparently i have my phd at 22

today as been a normal wednesday with evolution class this morning and a drive to kbs to work. however, when i arrived, i found my name on the door with the other grad students. i had been waiting for this day for a while. i know i sound like a dork, but now i feel included. i have also been asking for a mail box so that i don't have to continually sift through the lab mail. in an effort to find my box, i first looked at the grad student side. no larsen where it should be. but i happened to turn around and guess where my mailbox is? ... with the post-docs. i just figured it was odd and that they had run out of space on the other side.

on the way to the mail room, there is a nice little bulletin board with all of our pictures and names and things. everytime i walk past, i always admire the smiling faces hoping to see mine up there sometime. and after the mailbox, i was curious to see where my picture ended up. and guess where it was... with the post docs.

so one of two things is happening:
a) i just look relatively old
b) i'm mature for my age
c) both of the above
d) just common human error

whatever the reason, i found it rather entertaining and couldn't help but take pictures (they're still on my phone). i guess i don't mind people thinking that i have my phd already, but i don't think i like the idea of people thinking i'm almost 30. that's still 8 years away(ok 7.5 but i'm rounding) and i have a lot of living to do before then. so here's to making memories and then making an effort to remember among all the random scientific i'm supposed to be learning!


  1. hehe! maybe you act older than your age? or maybe every school you attend likes to put your face up everywhere? :)

  2. I guess I just have a charismatic face :)
