may we always live intentionally

28 August 2009

rain, rain go away

life here in lansing has been meanial. we've had rain and lots of it, making orientation more boring than maybe it should have been. kyle and i went out for drinks last night with the new MMG students who all assumed we were together until kyle started talking about his girlfriend and my good friend, Lauren. that threw everyone for a loop. i've been incredibly tired lately, so the alcohol i had enabled such a sound slumber that i didn't wake until 10:00 this morning. i really need to start getting up earlier again. and soon i will be. despite only having 10 credits this semester, i will be more busy than ever. who knew being a graduate student meant that you had to sign your life away. and despite doing absolutely nothing today, i was tired enough to take a two hour nap. i guess literature will do that to you when you really have no interest in it.
I have found my first rotation in a biochemists lab who works on cyanobacteria. i have a feeling that i'm going to enjoy the lab, but i'm not so sure about the topics themselves. as interesting as it is, its still biochem. something that i was trying to get away from. but who knows, maybe i'll realy like it too.
in other news, my comp fried on me again. and just outside of the warrenty. so i've had to order a new one. hp was having a really great deal on laptops and gave me an academic discount. who knew they did that? in any case, i can't wait for it to get here so that i can really start working. right now i'm using kyle's while he's at work.


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