may we always live intentionally

08 June 2009

end of day one... only about 1900 more until they call me Dr. Larsen

I have been exploring the land holdings of the Kellogg Biological Station to find some picture worthy spots... here's what I have come up with in the past two days. I will say that this was much more exploration than I did last summer when I chose to remain locked up in my two bedroom apartment. Let's just say I have either learned from my mistake that staying inside is detrimental to my health or I just really like to be in the outside world of KBS.

This is the lamp post outside my house... it is just architecturally neat!

A random staircase to a trail through campus...

a sun dial with a lovely saying in the gardens

these two are of the gardens themselves... its very small, but still a very pretty place to hang out for a bit.

these next few are of the sunsets I have diligently set out to capture on a nightly basis. I always make a point to include my bracelet in at least one of them. Its been interesting to see how it stands up to the elements of time.

This is just one of the aesthetic items that have been installed around the grounds. I go here to gather my thoughts and brainstorm experimental ideas.

Just in case you were wondering... I did have a good first day at work. I think things are going to look up from the bottom of the well I had dug myself into last night.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful pics meg.
    I can't wait to come see all of these myself.
    is it okay if I use the pics as desktop backgrounds? :)
    talk to you soon.
