may we always live intentionally

06 December 2010

a new beginning?

It has been six months since I've last posted an adventure. Certainly, much has happened, but it seems that I find myself choosing to live each moment rather than take the time to write about it. While it was difficult to see it then, now its clear how each of these moments have altered my perspective of the world and of myself.

"You know the great thing, though, is that change can be so constant you don't even feel the difference until there is one. It can be so slow that you don't even notice that your life is better or worse, until it is. Or it can just blow you away, make you something different in an instant. It happened to me."
-from Life as a house

I suppose a quick recap is in order to start the blog idea again, so here are a few of the things that have happened in my life the past 6 months:

1. whirlwind tour through Europe to visit my dear friends living abroad in Poland, Norway, Spain and Germany

2. Sharing hopes and dreams and secret places with a great friend

3. Discovering a more laid back, and incredibly comfortable with myself me

4. lots and lots of research

5. camping excursion to S. Manitou Island with some of the greatest people I've ever met

6. more mountain biking

7. the passing of my cousin, only 19, who reminded me that life is too short not to live it one passing moment at a time

8. realistic optimism about the present with an appreciation for the future

9. discovering the art of woodworking :) [my new backup plan if sciences fails me]

and so much, much more. Who knew we could learn so much in such a short amount of time!

More to come as I ease back into writing. In the mean time...

...May we always, live intentionally...

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