may we always live intentionally

06 January 2010

ringing in a new year

new year's eve, well, was uneventful and relaxing. unfortunately however, i was not able to continue the annual tradition of a) spending time with maggie, lacey and alicia and b) calling heather when the clock struck midnight (she was in Malta at the time, most likely sleeping because it was 6 am). After returning home to Michigan on New Year's Day through a lake effect blizzard, my sister and i made a pact to try a new and healthy lifestyle that includes eating right (yes, that does include vegetables heather) and exercising.

here is the first weeks menu.

Saturday (1.2.10): mahi mahi with orange sauce served on jasmine rice. I never knew orange juice and chicken broth could make such a tasty mix!

Sunday (1.3.10) top round roast steaks with cooked vegetables in a marjoram cream sauce.

Monday (1.4.10) beef stew with more veggies!

Tuesday was left over day to clean out the fridge and tupperware containers for the next round, but tonight is our splurge night so we ordered a feta pizza from Hungry Howie's. Grease never tasted so good.

And as for the working out... well lets just say i couldn't complete the video because my quads were shaking so uncontrollably i couldn't walk the rest of the day. i didn't realize i was that out of shape. and so after countless glasses of water, bananas, a day of rest and a quad massage, i am back for more punishment! it feels so good to know that you actually have muscles. i'm hoping this trend continues.

i have also resolved to make this blog writing a more common feature in daily life. and here is a great little piece.

in most circumstances, my apartment keys are linked to my car keys. this morning, like every other this cold winter, my car needed to warm up before leaving. because i was fussing around the apartment looking for papers, liz went to start my car, but took my apartment keys with her downstairs. So i leaned over the balcony and asked her to toss them up so that i could lock up and meet her so we could leave. she was ready to run them up the stairs, but i insisted that she simply toss them three floors. like many of my bright ideas, this one was not well thought out and so my keys ended up on the second floor balcony that belongs to one of my neighbors. of course, he wasn't home. i really just wanted to climb over the balcony and pull a jason bourne down the side of the building, but my sister wouldn't let me. and for the better i would now agree. and then came the hanger for a fishing expedition that of course didn't work because there wasn't enough weight on the end. and finally after laying down to rest my brain at 10:30 this morning, i had the bright idea to climb on my car to retrieve my keys, an idea my sister had had hours prior but didn't mention because she thought it was stupid. but needless to say, we left and returned (with pizza!) and keys in hand.

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