may we always live intentionally

24 May 2009

The day is slowly approaching...

it seems strange that two weeks from now i will be sitting in michigan alone once again. but this time, not to return to good ol' nebraska after the summer is finished. this time its for much longer. i'm told that time goes faster as we get older, but it sure seems like a long time when you look at it from the beginning. what an adventure... That's the way undergrad was, and now that's over too. but what a great time it was! I'm saddened yet excited and scared to know that i am starting the next chapter of my life. heather is riding with me to michigan for a grand send off, but i'm afraid its going to turn into another episode from last summer. i guess i'm just going to have to be extra social for awhile...
i will, however, have a difficult time watching as she boards the plane to come home knowing that i can't go with this time. but all is well and good. i'm coming home as often as is possible and thank God for the age of technology... skype is almost as good as being with that person. but of course, it never will be like being home.
well, i'm sure there will be more to come as i transition from a life here in no water nebraska to the more than 10,000 lakes michigan (yay for water!).


  1. You're going to do awesome, Meg.

  2. We'll miss you lots! And (money and time permitting) we'll will visit you!

  3. Home is always home honey! I will be heading to michigan as much as I can. Calling you often to hear about your days! My heart is going with you baby girl!!!!! I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!
